We offer other design professionals peer review services of their concepts, assemblies and details. feel free to reach out to us regardless the size of your project. It can be a 10 minute phone conversation or complete review of your project. We are here to help!
A large part of what we do is assessment and documentation for Historic Restoration. While this is similar to Building Assessments the focus is more precise.
What condition is your building in? We can help you find out with an assessment that represents your individual needs and the type of report that best suites you. An assessment can be for one portion of your building or the entire thing. We offer our clients the choice of investigative and forensic services that best meet their needs.
Building Enclosure Commissioning BECx is the process of quality control and verification during the construction process. There is so much to this part of our industry we have a separate section for you to lean more.
Once the investigation and reporting is done and its time to fix the building issues we found. ENVELOPE offers practical and affordable solutions and the documents to aid in bidding and repairing your building.
We believe you cant understand and fix building issues if you don't design buildings. It's really that simple.
ENVELOPE can assist you in performing window and facade testing to meet the requirements of your construction specifications or to assist in finding construction failures. We provide testing coordination and diagnosis reporting to meet ASTM, ASHRAE and AAMA requirements.
We offer Insurance and litigation support for Attorneys and their clients in a number of ways. Our education, Professional Architecture Practice and Licensing, 25+ years in the Architecture - Construction industry and our specialized knowledge of building and building assemblies give us the unique credentials needed to work with you through your case.
We are always happy to offer some help where we can. Feel free to email or call us.